Vera’s Virtue Kids
Social Emotional Learning Resources
for childcare Givers

Giving. Getting. Growing.
Caregivers GIVE positive experiences.
Children GET spiritual and material knowledge and
GROW into loving families and communities.
A New Way to Cultivate Virtues

Gratitude Journal: With 52 Weeks of Virtues
The Gratitude Journal with 52 Weeks of Virtues covers two pages per week for a year and includes a list of 60 of the spiritual and material virtues.
5.0 out of 5 stars
Life changing!
Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2022
Verified Purchase
Amazon Reviews
Fantastic educator resource
5.0 out of 5 stars
Reviewed in the United States on April 29, 2022
Verified Purchase
Virtues (Gifts of Character)
Gifts of Character in the Virtue Garden
Personal and Social Development Resources
Young Learners Ages 3-7
Activities help diverse children discover their self-worth.
(1) picture book of virtues, (2) a parent-teacher guide, (3) a virtue video song with lyrics, (4) a virtue rap, (5) a virtue notecard, (6) Three Lucky Seven Guides for conducting family sharing circles (heart of the program) (7-8) two videos- How to acknowledge a virtue and How to use the Resources, (9) Reading list with “What if: questions, and (10) a coloring book of virtues. The foundation is laid to model personal and social behavior.

Friendship Virtues Ages 8+
20 top friendship virtues to build lasting friendships.
It includes twenty easy-to- use lesson plans. The user guide has 20 work sheets, 20 affirmation pages, and a video on how to acknowledge a virtue. Also, a meditation to activate core values is available for facilitators.
Essential Virtues All Ages
Fundamental concepts from the Young Learners and Friendship offerings.
Eight resources come with is package: (1) One Parent-Teacher Activity Guide; (2) The Lucky 7 Sharing Circle Guide, part 1 of 3, (3) A What-If Reading List, (4) A Virtue Rap, (5) Facilitator’s guide for the Top 20 Friendship Virtues, (6) The Lesson Plan on Friendship , (7) One Friendship Affirmation Exercise, and (8) One Friendship Worksheet
Vera’s Virtues Resources for All Ages
Access all of Vera’s Virtues Resources:
Young Learners and Friendship Programs!
Goal: To help child caregivers to teach children that what’s good for everyone is also what’s best for each of us.
About: Increasing your child’s social and emotional skills and creating a foundation for life skills.
Benefit: A powerful new way to bring out the best in themselves and discover their own value and limitless capacity to make the world a better place.
Access All Resources !
Help children become the behavior you want to see!

Resources to Build an Inclusive and Just World
Fairness at Home and at School – Just the Basics
1. What is Fair when children do something that they were told not to do? According to Bambi Betts in the What’s Fair Truth Series for children, fairness incorporates two principles of justice - reward and punishment. For example, a child is told that it is not right...
MeMe’s Big Surprise – a story about helpfulness
MeMe’s Big Surprise - A story by Vera Smoot TaylorIt happened in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. It was on a sunny, Saturday morning at Popi and MeMe’s house. Today they had two very special visitors. One was a little girl about six years old. They call her Erin. She’s...
What are the 5 Ws of Mentoring as a Service?
For mothers are the first educators, the first mentors; and truly it is the mothers who determine the happiness, the future greatness, the courteous ways and … of their little ones. Among the greatest of all great services is the education of children and promotion of...

What an amazing and powerful curriculum designed by Vera Taylor. This solution driven product is just what is needed for today’s youth. What better way to introduce virtues in a creative and loving approach with Vera’s 25 top Friendship virtues.
My eight-year-old nephew was told by his father not to play with a child who used bad language and was unkind. Not until Carter learned to recognize and acknowledge virtues was he able to assert himself and tell the child, “I want to be you friend. But I can’t because you say bad words and are not courteous to me.”

“Studies show that healthy language skills acquired early in life are associated with improved academic performance and emotional well-being. I Am a Loving Person connects with children through a language that nurtures the human spirit and provides the framework for making healthy lifestyle choices throughout life.”
Dr. Gina Morgan-Smith, Pediatrician, Miami, FL
A timeless book of Virtues.
I am a Loving Person: The Ultimate Kid’s Guide to Make the World a Better Place Hard Cover Book!
An illustrated 36 page book (11 x 8.5) by Vera Taylor and The Parent-Teacher Activity guide booklet.
The guide booklet follows exactly the word order of the book and describes in writing 3 actions to perform that will teach each word–
1. It states the meaning of the word,
2. It states why the word is important, and
3. It describes an activity to involve the child in the meaning of the word they have already affirmed in the hard copy of I am a Loving Person Book.
The book “I am a Loving Person”, does a great job integrating education, morality, and the fundamentals of learning. With the author’s thoughtful inclusion of one’s differences, she is encourages children to grasp important principles that our society so desperately needs. I particularly enjoyed the building modules that come along with the packet, because they give children hands-on activities to practice life lessons the book seeks to share.
Purchase Vera's Virtues for Kids Programs Today!
Get access to the full Virtue Is Video, how to use the resources video, how to give a virtue acknowledgement, and many fun activities to help your loved ones learn VIRTUES!
Raising Virtuous Children
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults.