Jennifer Spaulding cited research that supports learning activities in our Early Learners program, the Top 25 Friendship Virtues, and Gender Equality. In the adult world kindness increases happiness, life satisfaction, compassion, trust positivity and social connection. In children we acknowledge and affirm virtues to nurture the mind and spirit. It builds character from the inside out.

This article is important because two of the five reasons given to show that kindness is an advantage in the work place are also why kindness is important in the developing child. That is, kindness not only increases creativity, but also it increases overall well being. Both are a huge part of a supportive environment. Furthermore, kindness, creativity, trust and social connections are among the work skills needed in the 21st century.

Forbes Article

Science Proves Kindness Is Your Competitive Advantage

If you want to boost your happiness and desire to be more kind right this very moment, the research team led by Keiko Otake proves that acknowledging your acts of kindness will do just that.