Virtue is: How you act

Virtues are qualities of the spirit that we are born with.  They are good and desirable because they are the foundation of a moral and ethical life. Virtues can be taught and nurtured in several ways. Teaching them is not just a pouring in of information, but also a drawing out of the divine qualities that are within us.  Five of the most effective nurturing methods include:

1. Set a good example. Children learn by watching the adults in their lives. Be sure to model the virtues that you want to see them practice.
2. Talk about the importance of virtues. Explain to children why virtues are important and how they can help them to live a good, honorable life.
3. Acknowledge a virtue when you see it. When children do something virtuous, be sure to recognize the behavior that you saw and thank them. For example, if you observe orderliness, say ”Thank you for being orderly when you put your toys away.” This acknowledgement helps children to know the name and meaning of the virtue, feel good about themselves, and to continue to be orderly.
4. Help develop virtuous habits. There are several habits that can help children become virtuous. Following are some tips to keep in mind that can help nurture virtues in children.

a. Read to children every day. Never put a child to bed without a story because this is what they sleep on. This is the virtue of consideration for or caring about other people and their needs.
b. Teach children prayers to memorize and recite with the family. A family that prays together stays together. This is the virtue of prayerfulness or reverence.

O God, guide me, protect me, make of me a shinning lamp and a brilliant star. Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful. (Abdul’-Baha)

c. Practice mindfulness. It involves focusing on the present moment such as in a nature walk or playing a game. It helps children to decrease stress or sadness. This is one way to practice the virtue of purposefulness.
d. Do acts of kindness such as volunteering in a soup kitchen or putting together care packages for an organization. This is the virtue of service.

5. Be patient. It takes time for children to develop virtues. Don’t get discouraged if they don’t get it right away. Keep encouraging them when they remember to practice the virtue and reminding them when they forget. They will eventually get there. This is the virtue of patience.

Below are some of the benefits of teaching virtues to children:

  1. They will be more likely to make good choices. When children have a strong foundation of virtues, they are more likely to make good choices at home, at school, and at play.
  2. They will be more likely to be happy and successful. Virtues can help children to achieve their goals and to live a happy, fulfilling life.
  3. They will be more likely to contribute to society. Virtuous people are more likely to be kind, compassionate, and helpful to others. They are also more likely to make a positive difference in the world.

If you are looking for a way to help your children live a “good life”, I encourage you to nurture the virtues they are born with. It is an investment that will pay off in the long run. A “good life” may mean achieving financial independence and loving the work that they choose to do. What more could a parent want for a child?
Do you need some guidance and fun ways to help children learn? Vera has a lot of resources packed into carefully organized bundles to help you teach your loved ones. They include stories, activities, books, videos, and songs to help children learn in the way they enjoy learning.